Some of my favorite geekwear comes from and Veer is a stock image and font supplier with branded merchandise aimed at the designer. Thinkgeek covers a wider demographic of geeks, from IT to pop culture. The short, snarky sentiments of the t-shirts on both sites are always fun to peruse. Most of the messages are amusing only to the those who inhabit the exclusive realms of geekdom. And for the rest of world they’re at least a bit intriguing.
Our president, Mark, just released his first book, “A Website That Works.” It’s a concise guide for marketers, designers and advertisers who want to turn their sites into business-generating tools. The success of the book will no doubt create a fan base, the members of which will clamor for their own custom merchandise. In anticipation of this need, I’ve taken a few of the more interesting phrases from Mark’s book and turned them into Newfangled geekwear. Soon-to-be catch phrases like, “forget about the fold” (pg. 68) and “web design is like jazz” (pg. 65) will have website marketing fanboys smirking.
Want to join the ranks of Newfangled geekdom? Grab a copy of Mark’s book and get started.