Good content should always inform, engage, and excite your prospects — and you can do so through a content strategy that demonstrates your firm’s expertise to an audience hungry to learn more. As a content marketing strategist, I take a deep dive into your firm’s unique voice by analyzing how that’s conveyed through all of your content.
After conducting content audits, analyzing key metrics, and uncovering organic opportunities, I’ll work closely with your digital marketing strategist to determine the best content to leverage to meet your campaign objectives. I’ll also make sure every piece of content we produce is publication-ready and aligned with your firm’s unique voice and marketing goals.
Based in Pittsburgh, PA, my passion for words extends far beyond my work. I hold an MFA in poetry writing and never stray too far from a good book. Otherwise, it’s a pretty safe bet I’m playing one instrument or another. I enjoy nothing more than strumming on my ol’ banjo or picking my mandolin. I’m also a competitive bagpiper (yep, that’s a thing). I’ve competed across the US, Canada, and Scotland.