We think design is how we express ourselves.
We think we shouldn’t have to sell our work. Good design should speak for itself.
We think we know more than we actually do about users.
We think we know how to get a user’s attention, but we can’t even keep them for ten seconds.
We think user testing is someone else’s problem.
We think we don’t have the time/money/expertise to do user testing.
We think we’re speaking human but we’re really speaking lkajsdfwejoif.
We think good search will take care of whatever we didn’t think through organizationally.
We think we know who our competitors are, but we don’t.
We think case studies are for showing how good our work looks.
We think scope creep is someone else’s fault.
We think content marketing is easy/a waste of time/beneath us/evil.
We say we love simplicity but we do not love simplicity.
We think our ideas are too valuable to share.
We think bluffing is an acceptable alternative to admitting we don’t know.