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Can AI Content Be Extraordinary?

AI-generated content has a reputation problem, and for good reason. You’ve dabbled with ChatGPT or similar tools for your marketing campaigns, only to walk away feeling like you’ve been sold a bill of goods. You’re not the only one scratching your head.

Remember all that hype about effortless, high-quality content in early 2023? That hasn’t materialized. Instead, you’re probably using AI for quick email responses and research tasks — not exactly revolutionary.

But you can’t just ditch AI for content creation altogether. There’s that nagging voice in your head saying your agency will be left behind if you don’t figure this out. Don’t give up just yet.

AI might not be the magic wand you were promised, but it’s not all smoke and mirrors either. To stay ahead of the game, you need to understand AI’s strengths, recognize its weaknesses, and find new ways to bridge that gap. It’s time to stop hoping for miracles and start making AI work for you.

Beyond Prompt Engineering: AI Tools Have Evolved for Content Generation

The AI might get the facts right (mostly), but the result often glaringly lacks the human touch that gives good content its spark. And when you have a split second to grab someone’s attention with your marketing, you need that spark.

Toward the end of 2023, agencies broke away from using ChatGPT strictly for research. Stretching their prompt engineering muscles, they got savvier, feeding ChatGPT information about their target audience and asking it to write for specific personas. The results improved, but there was still something missing. Why? Because good writing isn’t vaguely speaking to a broad persona and spitting out facts. Thank goodness.

Effective marketing writing requires understanding when and how to use different insights and examples that resonate with your readers. It’s about knowing where to weave in certain information, and how to say it in a way that makes a connection. This complexity is what makes human-written content so valuable. 

The gap between AI-generated and human-written content might seem insurmountable, but bridging it is possible with the right set of tools and expertise. The key is to see AI as an ally in your writing arena — not a replacement for human creativity and insight. It’s about leveraging its strengths while compensating for its weaknesses. 

Newfangled’s Innovative Approach to AI-Assisted Marketing Strategies

Imagine this: a tool that doesn’t regurgitate facts or surface-level insights, but serves up new ideas for you and your team to chew on. A tool that doesn’t require carefully articulated prompting to consistently produce content that actually reflects your agency’s voice and viewpoint. A tool that doesn’t see you as another prompt engineer, but a thought partner. Enhancing your creativity, not stifling it.

Spoiler alert: It exists (and yes, we built it.) Our decades of marketing expertise are the DNA. Everything we’ve learned about how to speak to an audience and address their pain points in a unique, specific, and profound way is built into every square inch of this new content tool. 

When you use it, you and your team can:

  • Tighten your messaging with seasoned marketing pro suggestions in real-time.
  • Deepen your insights with ideas based on your audience’s specific pain points and needs.
  • Ideate content topics that differentiate your agency and make deeper connections.
  • Produce publish-worthy content that sounds like you and reflects your expertise.
  • Get your marketing campaigns into market sooner, within budget and without burnout.  

Throughout the process of creating this tool, it’s become a relief to know that AI won’t replace all jobs, but rather enhance the person’s creativity and expertise on the other side of the keyboard. And we’re excited to share it in detail with you.

Get in on the Ground Floor of Better, Faster Content Creation

Join us on October 16th as Mark O’Brien takes you through a tool that allows you and your clients to use AI to elevate your strategy while radically reducing timelines and budget. Click here to learn more & register.

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