After years of dreaming and discussion, we’re finally launching an event of our own. We’re calling it The Newfangled Seminar.
I’ve done many events — both as a speaker, and as an organizer — and I can tell you this one is truly unique. Most events of this size focus in on a single subject, like design, development, marketing, or even business development for agencies. But this seminar ties all those subjects together.
We want to communicate everything you need to know to remain on the forefront of digital marketing, but also to more confidently lead your clients through that next engagement. To create a comprehensive lead development platform that, in the end, you can demonstrate has had a meaningful and measurable impact on their bottom line.
I’ll personally lead three sessions at the seminar. On the first day, I’ll present on the design and development process. For many, how an effective marketing platform is designed and built is still veiled in mystery. There remains a lot of confusion about when things happen, how long they take, and who is responsible for them. So I hope to clarify all of that with a comprehensive survey of the process. Later that afternoon, I’ll also share an introduction to what I am calling “Meaningful Changes to the Design Process.” For years, the visual design process has been fraught with problems: confusion about goals and milestones, scope creep, and template bloat. In this session, I’ll introduce several new methods of documentation that solve many of these problems while also ensuring a more effective, flexible, and inspiring outcome. And finally, on the second day, I’ll present a third session on the future of the web. The future of the web — and more importantly, of what we do — is not the next neato Javascript thing, the next app or even the next CMS. It’s information logistics. Don’t worry, I’ll explain what I mean by that, as well as share a view of the very near future of design, development and digital marketing.
Mark O’Brien, Chris Creech and Lauren McGaha will also fill out the seminar with a serious helping of critical information, as well as be your hosts to some beautiful meals and great quality time together. Take a look through their sessions to learn more.
I hope to see you there!