Somehow the roundness of a number seems to increase its significance. So, wow, 800 weeks!
This picture was actually taken during week 798—I didn’t do a weeknote for that one. I gathered our client services team (from left are Chris, Lindsey, Mark, Katie, Lauren and Steve—I’m behind the camera) for a screening of a talk by Michael Beirut of Pentagram on clients, and some discussion on that afterward. I’ve embedded the video we watched below:
2010/01 Michael Bierut from CreativeMornings on Vimeo.
And this picture was actually taken during week 799—no weeknote for that one either). I presented an enrichment session with Justin on managing the design process. I snapped this picture of Katie and Steve, but again, the entire client services group attended, as well as our newest developer, Lisa.
So, about this week…
Mark was in Rhode Island on Monday to meet with an existing client—a relationship we’ve kept for almost a decade now—about rebuilding their website. Justin and Jim went along, too. Apparently it snowed in Providence that day, while it was about 85 degrees here!
I, Mark and Eric met on Tuesday morning for our weekly management pow-wow. This time we had it over coffee and breakfast sandwiches at Jessee’s down the street, which was fantastic and made me wonder why we don’t always do that. Afterward, I had a chance to interview Eric about his book, Client vs. Developer Wars, which he originally wrote way back in 2001 about website prototyping. It’s been getting some renewed interest and since my upcoming newsletter (out next Wednesday) is all about prototyping, I thought it would be good to hear the story of how it came about. I’ll be posting that interview to the site next week, too.
Sometime on Wednesday afternoon I snapped this picture during a quick chat between Mark, Katie, Chris and I in the lounge. Something about websites…
On Thursday, Dave and I presented at an event at UNC’s Wilson Library sponsored by the Carolina Adobe User Group on mobile stuff. I posted a hasty writeup of it yesterday, and Dave’s is forthcoming.
Right after we got back to the office, we launched a new site for the American Forest Foundation, in partnership with Bates Creative Group. This project started back in the Spring of 2010 and was initially managed by Sarah, who has since gone back to school to study Library Sciences. After she left, Katie and Chris took it over, and Dave built it. We love the design that Bates created and are looking forward to the launch of two more companion sites that make up the AFF family.
Now, on to 801…