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Farewell, Dear Listeners.

Consider This and Expert Marketing Matters Podcasts Join Forces

Farewell, dear listeners. Consider This was born out of the need to address a fundamental misunderstanding of content marketing today. Since then, we’ve evolved, addressing all kinds of digital marketing trends, and will be joining forces with our flagship podcast, Expert Marketing Matters.

For those of you who don’t know, our flagship podcast, Expert Marketing Matters speaks to those who lead expertise-based organizations, and touches on content marketing, positioning, productization, services and more. This podcast will be featuring a new format where we publish three episodes per month, as:

  1. Mark, Chris, and Lauren discuss lead generating habits for expertise-based organizations per usual.
  2. Lauren and Holly discuss the intersection between inbound and outbound worlds, and tactical ways that you can improve this functional relationship.
  3. Mark interviews experts and thought leaders outside of Newfangled to discuss their thoughts on all the above and more.

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