Another week, another torrent of content. Lucky for you we’ve got the best robots filtering out the important signal from the noise. This week’s roundup includes articles and interviews with various technology visionaries, a post from the infallible David Baker, thoughts on content, and some thoughts on what creativity really means…
The New Yorker published a long and fascinating profile of Jaron Lanier, author of You Are Not a Gadget, which they titled The Visionary: A Digital Pioneer Questions What Technology Has Wrought. Very interesting stuff.
Jonathan Zittrain, author of The Future of the Internet (and How to Stop It) was interviewed by John Batelle, on his thinking on the themes in his book and how they’ve changed in the years since. Anyone interested in privacy, social networks, etc. should read this.
Edward Boches writes up what he believes are The Next 5 Social Media Trends and Their Impact on Marketing at his blog, Creativity_unbound.
Our friend David Baker wrote an insightful article for the Raven Tools blog on How to marry strategy and execution for an ideal client relationship. The title says it all. Read it.
In preparation for the upcoming HOW Interactive Design conference where Mark and I will be speaking, Bryn Mooth, former Editor of HOW Magazine, interviewed Mark on content strategy, SEO, and design roadblocks to content.
Mitch Joel believes that Great Content is Like Pornography: You know it when you see it.
If you’re more into listening/watching stuff, here are a few audio/video links worth your time:
This week’s episode of To the Best of Our Knowledge on The Creative Mind includes some fantastic segments on understanding creativity, especially the second segment with Shelley Carson on the 7 “Brainsets.” This inspired me to do an exercise she calls “What If?” with our team this week, which I wrote up here.
Cory Doctorow (blogger, journalist, scifi author, editor of Boing Boing, etc.) gave the Keynote Address at SIGGRAPH 2011, which you can watch on YouTube (where else?).
I tweeted these the other day, but here are links to quick videos about how the internet looked in 1990—here and here—1991, 1993, 1994, and 1995 (according to MTV). 1995, by the way, was the year Newfangled was founded!
That’s all for this week!