If you are an expert firm, you have an important voice that needs to be heard in your marketplace. Your audience needs you to be the firm they hired, the firm they learn from, the expert who can see farther into the future than they can and is most equipped to help them handle some of their toughest challenges, which have just gotten a lot tougher. They need you to model positive, confident leadership that they can draw strength from. They need you to maximize this time to think deeper and more creatively than you ever have about how you and your firm can create the most possible value in the marketplace, today.
That’s what positioning is. That’s how you create value for your clients. That’s how you build a firm that can weather storms like these.
The same goes for sales. It’s not only OK to follow up on your active sales leads, it’s critically important that you do so. Be human, be thoughtful, but also be the confident, courageous expert your audience needs right now.
Anyone who says they’re not scared is a liar, no one knows how this is going to play out. Courageous confidence doesn’t mean pretending everything is OK and having all the answers. To paraphrase Dan Sullivan, “Fear is wetting your pants. Courage is doing what you need to do with wet pants.”
I hope you enjoy the webinar, and continue the great work. Our economy is depending on it.